We’re working on our first BIG BOOK of INDIE GAMES with our publishing company that will turn into a initial collectable volume set of 1500 games or more!
If you have an Indie Game that has demo or your game is released, you may like to submit it to our website for inclusion into our first BIG BOOK of INDIE GAMES. Space is running out fast, but as we have 5 book volumes planned there will be other opportunities.
We’re looking to complete the first book sometime around June/July with an announcement of its availability and where you can order it from, if you wish to buy a copy. Games inside the book will have QR codes/links back to our website game pages for additional content and benefit from any organic/direct traffic from our marketing efforts.
For every 10 books sold, we’re planning on providing libraries, colleges and universities in various locations throughout the world one free book so that they can be used as a reference in many years to come. We may even increase this amount,based on the demand.
Specifications of each volume:
- 300 Pages of Indie Games (that have a Demo / Released)
- A4 Landscape Hardback Cover
- QR Codes and links back to Game Pages on IGD
- Discount code off your next book volume in the set

If you have a demo or your game is released, submit your game to our website (subject to approval)
October Update: We have now completed the first book, subject to any final edits and initial drafts. In the event that you miss out on the first book, we may include your game in the next (subject to our selection process). Details of how to order the first book and where, will be available nearer the time of release. We have a date in mind, but this will be subject to our magazine relaunching first.